Leasing (od engl. to lease – iznajmiti, dati u zakup) je ugovorni odnos kojim se davatelj leasinga obvezuje pribaviti objekt leasinga (pokretna ili nepokretna stvar) od dobavljača objekta leasinga i primatelju leasinga odobriti pravo korištenja tog objekta leasinga na određeno razdoblje, a ovaj se obvezuje plaćati mu za to određenu naknadu.


According to AASB 117, paragraph 4, a lease is: an agreement whereby the lessor conveys to the lessee in return for a payment or series of payments the right to use an asset for an agreed period of time. A lease is classified as a finance lease if it "transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an asset."

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Algorithmisch generierte Übersetzungen anzeigen  Svenska. Operationell leasing (kod 272). Engelska. Operational leasing services (code 272) betalningar för operationell leasing. Referens: Wikipedia  Jag är ledsen för din skull Übersetzung, Deutsch - Englisch Wörterbuch, Siehe auch 'lesen',ledern',leasen',leiden', biespiele, konjugation. 1990 fusjonerte to av landets største banker, Bergen Bank og Den norske Creditbank og dannet Den norske Bank (DnB).

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Operational leasing services (code 272) betalningar för operationell leasing. Referens: Wikipedia  Jag är ledsen för din skull Übersetzung, Deutsch - Englisch Wörterbuch, Siehe auch 'lesen',ledern',leasen',leiden', biespiele, konjugation. 1990 fusjonerte to av landets største banker, Bergen Bank og Den norske Creditbank og dannet Den norske Bank (DnB). Samme år fusjonerte Sparebanken  It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Unbioctium".

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Leasing wiki deutsch

2021-03-09 · Hyphenation: leas‧ing Noun []. leasing (plural leasings) A lie; the act of lying, falsehoodc. 1385, William Langland, Piers Plowman, II: fy on þi lawe / For al by lesynges þow lyuest · and lecherouse werkes.

IAS 17 definierar två former av leasing: finansiell och operationell. Finansiell leasing innebär att leasetagaren betalar en avgift till en leasegivare för att få nyttja en tillgång, och att leasetagaren även är ansvarig för denna tillgång under leaseperioden.
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Leasing wiki deutsch

89,-inkl. hej(at)kryddanhalmstad.se. Leasing [ ˈliːzɪŋ] (von englisch to lease ‚mieten‘, ‚pachten‘) ist im zivilrechtlichen Sinn ein Nutzungsüberlassungsvertrag oder ein atypischer Mietvertrag. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Deutsche Leasing AG (DL) is the largest manufacturer-independent leasing company in Germany.

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Leasing wiki deutsch

A lease is a contractual arrangement calling for the lessee to pay the lessor for use of an asset. Property, buildings and vehicles are common assets that are leased. Industrial or business equipment is also leased. Broadly put, a lease agreement is a contract between two parties, the lessor and the lessee. The lessor is the legal owner of the asset, while the lessee obtains the right to use the asset in return for regular rental payments. The lessee also agrees to abide by

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Manage and optimise your printing fleet with a print leasing programme Español (España), Deutsch (Deutschland), Deutsch (Österreich), Nederlands (België) 

leasing synonyms, leasing pronunciation, leasing translation, English dictionary definition of leasing. n. Archaic 1. The act of lying. 2. A lie; a falsehood. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

8. · Leasing eli liisaus on käyttöomaisuuden pitkäaikaista vuokrausta. Tavallisia vuokrauskohteita ovat koneet, laitteet ja kulkuneuvot. Tavallisesti leasing 

Finanzberichte: Die Deutsche Leasing ist die führende herstellerunabhängige Leasing-Gesellschaft in Deutschland und Teil der Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "leasing" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen.

Locação financeira (português europeu) ou arrendamento mercantil (português brasileiro), também conhecido pelo termo em inglês leasing, é um contrato através do qual a arrendadora ou locadora (a empresa que se dedica à exploração de leasing) adquire um bem escolhido por seu cliente (o arrendatário, ou locatário) para, em seguida, alugá-lo a este último, por um prazo determinado.